What they have, WHAT he loves and what he expected could bring HAPPINESS AND SAFETY OF ZERO TURN. SOMEONE feel alienated, and disenfranchised LOW THOUGH THERE ARE MANY FRIENDS AND FAMILY console. EMPTY HEART, miserable and FEAR.We take shelter under a world of objects and the real physical self is not eternal. The eternal is precisely what we've been regarded as supernatural. The scary thing and that is a myth and the occult. We are reluctant to enter into these areas because we feel happy and comfortable. In fact, happy and comfortable I could taste was the body, and the physical body will be sick, frail and death engulfed vanished. Our body will be buried or burnt ... destroyed eat earthworms or the wind.There is nothing eternal except change. Hereafter is a zone of metaphysical and supernatural ever changing according to the outline created by human nature itself. I could taste the eternal is our RUH. Spirit is the most essential, the most essential, most substantial, most true to yourself think. RUH always meditate in silence and being in a holy place in man. Because not lie, do not experience death, always speak the truth then RUH called GURU REAL or TRUE SELF.Although the bodies were in the world today, but the RUH always be in his grasp and its being RUH world beyond time and space. So RUH always in a state of perpetual alive all time. After ditiupkannya RUH and then "become" human then RUH is never to die again forever. RUH enjoy this world and the hereafter, having a wide range of dress sense and awareness of the human heart. RUH not recognize smart and stupid, knowledgeable or not knowledgeable, does not understand love and hate, does not feel thick and thin. ADA because we always RUH RUH is actually part emanation of the Almighty Eternal Essence.If we use the tools of Electrical Encepalograph (EEG) to measure brain waves human then we still will not find the soul consciousness. AWARENESS RUH is developed when all brain activity stopped completely, when we experienced DEATH. The death of the physical body AND BRAINS NOT means the death RUH. Awareness of Spirit (ani) will be maintained and wake up automatically when we no longer think of anything. When we are not feeling anything. Awareness of the Spirit will not be trained by just doing sports activities, if thought and sense though. Consciousness is consciousness berketuhanan spirit that can be tried with earnest effort contrary to what we think, what you feel and think what we expect. Because the soul is not to think, the spirit does not feel anything and spirits do not expect anything.Our soul energy come from? Energy ENERGY spirit we are of God. That will never run out umpteen trillion a year, which will not fade even after umpteen billion illuminate the human mind. Energy immortal soul forever because it always radiates from his Essence of the Most Perfect. Because it is a perennial, it does not recognize the spirit of heaven and hell. Heaven and Hell is a creation of God, while the RUH is part of the One God. God may not put himself in the place of heaven and hell. So true when it later after the universe is rolled, then the Spirit we will be back in himself. Heaven and Hell "created" by the people, for those who still wish to continue life after the real life on earth is over. This magical area created for those NOT SATISFIED WITH LIFE WORLD. For those who are satisfied and thankful God allowed to live in this world, then the rest of their residence is not in heaven or hell. They will be as INITIALLY BE USED BEFORE GOD IS EVERYTHING EXCEPT HIS Essence.Observe then what exactly we want now? What to justice, equality, equality with the others because they feel that in this world he feels unjustly treated, not equal and equal, and still feel that happiness and comfort is worth fighting for. People are still willing to continue the struggle for justice, God will reward and reward him with HEAVEN or HELL. He will get the law of cause and effect of fruit intentions, actions and deeds. Desire is the zone of thoughts, feelings and heart. So still "physical body" NOT BORN OF CONSCIOUSNESS RUH. Just ask the people who have died and soul consciousness is life, what he wants? The answer is DEFINITELY NOT HEAVEN STILL WANT MORE ... RUH DEFINITELY DO NOT WANT ANYTHING ANYMORE BECAUSE GOD IS BLEND.Then later in Heaven or Hell is a place for HUMAN SELF-SELF-DESIRE DESIRE STILL HAVE. The desire to be satisfied for a moment, but then would get bored and not eternal. So that heaven and hell is a place to be experienced destruction and not eternal. The One Eternal is the One God. Others will not be ever lasting and will have shrinking and fading as the laws of desire. Look, read and biological significance in depth what is in heaven and hell according to the Bible: in heaven there are beautiful women who are ready to get laid all the time, in heaven there are magnificent castles and happy: So we can conclude IN HEAVEN THERE IS A NEED AND DESIRE form TEMPORARY PHYSICAL HUMAN NATURE.Ask the Prophets and Messengers of all time from Adam, Moses AS, AS Ibrahim, Isa Muhammad SAW U.S. by first, what you want in life ... Heaven and Happy Life Login or want something else? I'll bet they will not answer anything. Why so? Because he would not live for the sake of his body mortgaged to indulge his desire. Physical desire is always that it is impossible that the holy apostles wanted to go to heaven or hell. Try offering them a ton of gold and world powers away from their belief Tawheed, they would reject it outright, as MUHAMMAD SAW once said: 'If YOU place the sun in my right hand on my left hand MONTH AND THAT I AM LEAVING beliefs, THEREFORE I AM WILL NOT DO IT. I AM DEAD BURNED OUT BY CHOOSING beliefs.The prophets and apostles are running WITHOUT HUMAN DESIRE DESIRE IS SUFFERING cause and impermanence. THEY goes AWARENESS HIS SPIRIT. They are human beings like us, too. If they can, why do not we try?HOW SECRETHow to awaken consciousness of the soul? The answer is always remembering God (dhikr). Dhikr is a secret way that can penetrate the consciousness and the physical body to go into space AWARENESS RUH. Dhikr is a spear that can penetrate various hijab / curtain wrapping false human identity. Dhikr is not just guarding the Shari'a man so well and moves over to the Tawheed of Allah alone. But he also aims to memaastikan us to always remember so and sought to attach ourselves with the existing properties to God.Dhikr also antidote to treat the mind, cleansing the mind, purify the mind at once and open your heart and destroy LIGHT bad blood at the end of the heart, called the "Palace of Satan". If all our hearts are covered with His Essence, all our mind will be bright and can function well as a full moon lit night. People who dhikr inner eyes and ears will be open to the light.If the heart was light disuluhi HIS, then every time we experience makrifat. The process transmitting (form) dhikr is like the light transmitting sunlight falling upon the moon and emit light that is convenient to the earth. If up to this stage, one can know something with his mind's eye the eye that can not be captured, can be caught by ear. He heard and understood all the movements of nature, animals, insects, leaves, wood, waves, wind, jinns, angels. He may know something that happened even though he was in the bed. He also knows what will happen. In short all the secrets will be read clearly!They can endure hunger, thirst and pain and physical sufferings of others. Their bodies become immune from grief, illness and pain. We often hear of the man who reached the stage of the spiritual journey is not able to eat for years and not get sick for many years. God does not arbitrarily set out how the power of the Youth Ashabul silent: the seven young men who all the king's sons slept for 309 years because of its holy charity. They are the messengers of God, who was the dhikr. Common sense, dozens of days without eating and drinking will lead to human death. But they are in a cave and closed the door without eating anything.Is it a secret that they can survive and live so long. What did they eat For life to continue their lives? The answer is none other than to dhikr. They remember Allah and making dhikr as a fine spirit. We will only remember God alone, without the other, including forgetting physical suffering such as hunger, thirst, pain, fear or wavering. By not breaking remembering Him then He also broke remember us. "IF YOU REMEMBER ME, I REMEMBER YOU." .... "AND ONLY YOU WISH TO LORD shall .."Excess and privilege indeed belong to all of us. Belongs to those who no longer have a PHYSICAL DESIRE or bodies. What happens to the Prophets, Apostles and other holy man proved though the fire burned, the U.S. IBRAHIM not destroyed. He is immune because he was always remembering Him. U.S. NUH also safe despite a massive tsunami swept away the earth at that time. U.S. MUSA also survived across the sea from the pursuit of Pharaoh. "Sanctity or the glory that comes without realizing it. Karamah was very ordinary person ... and the only other people who are out of life it that way. "ROPE NODESTURN ON AWARENESS OF SPIRIT IN OURSELVES. SPIRIT IS A SELF TRUE, TRUE SELF, Ingsun TRUE, TRUE OUR TEACHERS. SEMAR THE SPIRIT IS ALIVE substantially. To live is to live HIS LIFE LIVING NATURE INNER HUMAN SPIRIT.
Origin of Islam
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Kamis, 07 Maret 2013
Origin of Islam
What they have, WHAT he loves and what he expected could bring HAPPINESS AND SAFETY OF ZERO TURN. SOMEONE feel alienated, and disenfranchised LOW THOUGH THERE ARE MANY FRIENDS AND FAMILY console. EMPTY HEART, miserable and FEAR.We take shelter under a world of objects and the real physical self is not eternal. The eternal is precisely what we've been regarded as supernatural. The scary thing and that is a myth and the occult. We are reluctant to enter into these areas because we feel happy and comfortable. In fact, happy and comfortable I could taste was the body, and the physical body will be sick, frail and death engulfed vanished. Our body will be buried or burnt ... destroyed eat earthworms or the wind.There is nothing eternal except change. Hereafter is a zone of metaphysical and supernatural ever changing according to the outline created by human nature itself. I could taste the eternal is our RUH. Spirit is the most essential, the most essential, most substantial, most true to yourself think. RUH always meditate in silence and being in a holy place in man. Because not lie, do not experience death, always speak the truth then RUH called GURU REAL or TRUE SELF.Although the bodies were in the world today, but the RUH always be in his grasp and its being RUH world beyond time and space. So RUH always in a state of perpetual alive all time. After ditiupkannya RUH and then "become" human then RUH is never to die again forever. RUH enjoy this world and the hereafter, having a wide range of dress sense and awareness of the human heart. RUH not recognize smart and stupid, knowledgeable or not knowledgeable, does not understand love and hate, does not feel thick and thin. ADA because we always RUH RUH is actually part emanation of the Almighty Eternal Essence.If we use the tools of Electrical Encepalograph (EEG) to measure brain waves human then we still will not find the soul consciousness. AWARENESS RUH is developed when all brain activity stopped completely, when we experienced DEATH. The death of the physical body AND BRAINS NOT means the death RUH. Awareness of Spirit (ani) will be maintained and wake up automatically when we no longer think of anything. When we are not feeling anything. Awareness of the Spirit will not be trained by just doing sports activities, if thought and sense though. Consciousness is consciousness berketuhanan spirit that can be tried with earnest effort contrary to what we think, what you feel and think what we expect. Because the soul is not to think, the spirit does not feel anything and spirits do not expect anything.Our soul energy come from? Energy ENERGY spirit we are of God. That will never run out umpteen trillion a year, which will not fade even after umpteen billion illuminate the human mind. Energy immortal soul forever because it always radiates from his Essence of the Most Perfect. Because it is a perennial, it does not recognize the spirit of heaven and hell. Heaven and Hell is a creation of God, while the RUH is part of the One God. God may not put himself in the place of heaven and hell. So true when it later after the universe is rolled, then the Spirit we will be back in himself. Heaven and Hell "created" by the people, for those who still wish to continue life after the real life on earth is over. This magical area created for those NOT SATISFIED WITH LIFE WORLD. For those who are satisfied and thankful God allowed to live in this world, then the rest of their residence is not in heaven or hell. They will be as INITIALLY BE USED BEFORE GOD IS EVERYTHING EXCEPT HIS Essence.Observe then what exactly we want now? What to justice, equality, equality with the others because they feel that in this world he feels unjustly treated, not equal and equal, and still feel that happiness and comfort is worth fighting for. People are still willing to continue the struggle for justice, God will reward and reward him with HEAVEN or HELL. He will get the law of cause and effect of fruit intentions, actions and deeds. Desire is the zone of thoughts, feelings and heart. So still "physical body" NOT BORN OF CONSCIOUSNESS RUH. Just ask the people who have died and soul consciousness is life, what he wants? The answer is DEFINITELY NOT HEAVEN STILL WANT MORE ... RUH DEFINITELY DO NOT WANT ANYTHING ANYMORE BECAUSE GOD IS BLEND.Then later in Heaven or Hell is a place for HUMAN SELF-SELF-DESIRE DESIRE STILL HAVE. The desire to be satisfied for a moment, but then would get bored and not eternal. So that heaven and hell is a place to be experienced destruction and not eternal. The One Eternal is the One God. Others will not be ever lasting and will have shrinking and fading as the laws of desire. Look, read and biological significance in depth what is in heaven and hell according to the Bible: in heaven there are beautiful women who are ready to get laid all the time, in heaven there are magnificent castles and happy: So we can conclude IN HEAVEN THERE IS A NEED AND DESIRE form TEMPORARY PHYSICAL HUMAN NATURE.Ask the Prophets and Messengers of all time from Adam, Moses AS, AS Ibrahim, Isa Muhammad SAW U.S. by first, what you want in life ... Heaven and Happy Life Login or want something else? I'll bet they will not answer anything. Why so? Because he would not live for the sake of his body mortgaged to indulge his desire. Physical desire is always that it is impossible that the holy apostles wanted to go to heaven or hell. Try offering them a ton of gold and world powers away from their belief Tawheed, they would reject it outright, as MUHAMMAD SAW once said: 'If YOU place the sun in my right hand on my left hand MONTH AND THAT I AM LEAVING beliefs, THEREFORE I AM WILL NOT DO IT. I AM DEAD BURNED OUT BY CHOOSING beliefs.The prophets and apostles are running WITHOUT HUMAN DESIRE DESIRE IS SUFFERING cause and impermanence. THEY goes AWARENESS HIS SPIRIT. They are human beings like us, too. If they can, why do not we try?HOW SECRETHow to awaken consciousness of the soul? The answer is always remembering God (dhikr). Dhikr is a secret way that can penetrate the consciousness and the physical body to go into space AWARENESS RUH. Dhikr is a spear that can penetrate various hijab / curtain wrapping false human identity. Dhikr is not just guarding the Shari'a man so well and moves over to the Tawheed of Allah alone. But he also aims to memaastikan us to always remember so and sought to attach ourselves with the existing properties to God.Dhikr also antidote to treat the mind, cleansing the mind, purify the mind at once and open your heart and destroy LIGHT bad blood at the end of the heart, called the "Palace of Satan". If all our hearts are covered with His Essence, all our mind will be bright and can function well as a full moon lit night. People who dhikr inner eyes and ears will be open to the light.If the heart was light disuluhi HIS, then every time we experience makrifat. The process transmitting (form) dhikr is like the light transmitting sunlight falling upon the moon and emit light that is convenient to the earth. If up to this stage, one can know something with his mind's eye the eye that can not be captured, can be caught by ear. He heard and understood all the movements of nature, animals, insects, leaves, wood, waves, wind, jinns, angels. He may know something that happened even though he was in the bed. He also knows what will happen. In short all the secrets will be read clearly!They can endure hunger, thirst and pain and physical sufferings of others. Their bodies become immune from grief, illness and pain. We often hear of the man who reached the stage of the spiritual journey is not able to eat for years and not get sick for many years. God does not arbitrarily set out how the power of the Youth Ashabul silent: the seven young men who all the king's sons slept for 309 years because of its holy charity. They are the messengers of God, who was the dhikr. Common sense, dozens of days without eating and drinking will lead to human death. But they are in a cave and closed the door without eating anything.Is it a secret that they can survive and live so long. What did they eat For life to continue their lives? The answer is none other than to dhikr. They remember Allah and making dhikr as a fine spirit. We will only remember God alone, without the other, including forgetting physical suffering such as hunger, thirst, pain, fear or wavering. By not breaking remembering Him then He also broke remember us. "IF YOU REMEMBER ME, I REMEMBER YOU." .... "AND ONLY YOU WISH TO LORD shall .."Excess and privilege indeed belong to all of us. Belongs to those who no longer have a PHYSICAL DESIRE or bodies. What happens to the Prophets, Apostles and other holy man proved though the fire burned, the U.S. IBRAHIM not destroyed. He is immune because he was always remembering Him. U.S. NUH also safe despite a massive tsunami swept away the earth at that time. U.S. MUSA also survived across the sea from the pursuit of Pharaoh. "Sanctity or the glory that comes without realizing it. Karamah was very ordinary person ... and the only other people who are out of life it that way. "ROPE NODESTURN ON AWARENESS OF SPIRIT IN OURSELVES. SPIRIT IS A SELF TRUE, TRUE SELF, Ingsun TRUE, TRUE OUR TEACHERS. SEMAR THE SPIRIT IS ALIVE substantially. To live is to live HIS LIFE LIVING NATURE INNER HUMAN SPIRIT.
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